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Bowling Green seeks Town Manager

Posted on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 4:25 pm

A recently amended job description for the Bowling Green Town Manager’s position, which will soon be open when Stephen Manster retires in December, describes just how complicated and detailed the position is, and gives a hint as to how hard it may be to fill.

A good tip for potential applicants would be to look over past agendas for Town Council meetings, paying close attention to the complicated issues detailed in the Town Manager’s Report, which is frequently the longest part of a meeting.

The new job description begins, “The Town Manager serves as the Town’s Chief Administrative Officer. He/She shall have general charge and management responsibilities for the administrative affairs of the Town, under the control and general supervision of the Town Council. The manager serves at the pleasure of a seven-member Town council elected to four-year staggered terms.”

A list of 15 specific directives includes preparing and administering the annual budget, and otherwise keeping the Town Council advised of the financial condition of the Town, including the status of major projects and programs.

The manager must attend Town Council, Town Council Committee, Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Economic Development Authority meetings, producing special studies and reports as deemed necessary. Attendance at meetings of other committees, commissions, organizations and groups may also be required.

Candidates must have a minimum of five years experience as a local government executive/administrator, assistant executive/administrator or department head in an organization of comparable complexity. A minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in public or business administration, finance, planning or a related field is essential, with a Master’s Degree preferred. Candidates must have experience and understanding of growth management, including code administration and enforcement, finance and budget, economic development, intergovernmental relations, personnel development, grant writing and grant administration. Familiarity with utility systems is a plus.

The starting salary is $70,000+ (depending on experience) as well as a full range of benefits.

To read the entire job description, go to, click on “Government,” then on “Job Openings” then “Job Description.”

Applicants should mail a cover letter, resume and salary history (with a minimum of five professional references), postmarked by Friday, Sept. 2, 2016.