The “Minor Event Facilities” ordinance amendment was denied by the Bowling Green Town Council at its meeting on Thursday, Nov. 3.
With a vote of four to one, with one abstained, the ordinance to amend the Town Code of Bowling Green to permit minor event facilities by special use permit in residential zoning districts was defeated.
The ordinance to amend was the topic of last month’s meeting and was tabled to November’s meeting due to town councilmember Jason Satterwhite wanting to research the topic in greater detail.
At this month’s meeting, it was a continuation of last month’s, in which town council weighed the pros and cons of allowing this amended ordinance.
The discussion at the meeting centered around the broadness and lack of specifics in the ordinance to permit “minor event facilities.”
“I would like to see more definition,” town councilmember Glen McDearmon said at the meeting.
While some council members sought clear defined terms in the ordinance, others wished for flexibility.
To read the rest of the article, pick up the Nov. 10 print edition of The Caroline Progress or sign up for an online subscription.