Caroline County Beta members Daniel Moody and Emily Hart spoke before the
Caroline County School Board at its meeting on Monday, March 13 to request donations
to attend the National Beta Convention held in Orlando, Florida in June.
When the city, Orlando, is mentioned, the first thought is typically of Walt Disney’s Magic Kingdom, or Universal Studios––for the Beta students of Caroline, the thought that comes to mind is the Beta National Convention.
At the Caroline County School Board meeting on Monday, March 13, Caroline Beta students Daniel Moody and Emily Hart expressed the need of financial support in their quest to go to the convention.
“I am here to ask for assistance to bring myself and other Beta Club members who won previously at the Virginia State Convention to Beta Nationals, which is located in Orlando, Florida,” Moody said to the board.
Moody described at the meeting how the mission of the Beta has become a part of him and has allowed him to strive both in and out of the classroom.
Beta Club members are students who demonstrate excellent character and high academic achievement. These students strive to develop strong leadership skills through community service projects.
The Caroline chapter demonstrated its progression through the activities held at this year’s State Beta Convention.
To read the rest of the article, pick up the March 23 print edition of The Caroline Progress or sign up for an online subscription.