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Caroline roads stand to benefit from VDOT projects

Posted on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 12:15 pm

Caroline County may experience a growth in tourism as a result of the Route 301/207 Corridor Study.

Sean Nelson of the Virginia Department Of Transportation provided an update of the study to the Caroline County Board of Supervisor at the board’s meeting on Tuesday, March 14.

“The project study area is actually looking at 301 from Maryland, from all the way down to Exit 104,” Nelson said. “We’re looking at this study area for one main reason––over the next five years, we got about a total of 14 construction project on I-95. 95 is congested now, just imagine how congested and how burdensome it will be when we’re going through these changes on 95.”

The Route 301/207 Corridor will be offered as an alternate travel option. The outcomes of looking at the corridor as a whole in this study is to improve safety and efficiency, as well as set expectations for future development outcomes, Nelson said.

“The campaign that we are going to try to push out to the media for the construction of I-95 and all these projects is to look for alternate routes, and we’re going to try to promote 301 as one of those corridors,” Nelson said.

The project will be completed in two phases.


To read the rest of the article, pick up the March 23 print edition of The Caroline Progress or sign up for an online subscription.