By Katherine Gittman
CP Reporter
Among the topics discussed at last week’s Board of Supervisors meeting last Tuesday, some of the key topics included the discussion of a towing advising board, the donation of an ambulance and the approval to paint the high school’s tennis courts.
After the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, a representative from the Virginia Department of Transportation presented updates to the Board about upcoming projects and improvements of drainage concerns that have been happening recently.
Following the presentations and reports at the beginning of the meeting, the Board discussed the appointments of the Recreation Advisory Committee members and after a discussion, the appointments were postponed until the next meeting that will be held on Tuesday, June 13. The appointments for the committee are due at the end of June.
Additional highlights of the meeting included the discussion of a Towing Advisory Board and the Ladysmith Fire and Rescue Department request to surplus a 2008 ambulance. After a lengthy discussion, the Board requested to meet with contracted towing companies for police-requested towing at a later date before voting on the issue. The other highlight focused on the Fire and Rescue department finding a solution for the disposing of surplus of Ambulance 228. Co-titled with the county and the Ladysmith Volunteer Rescue Squad. At the end of the discussion, Ambulance 228 was approved to be donated to Upper King and Queen County and also to be used as a student lab.
Among the other items discussed at the Board of Supervisors meeting, there was discussion of hiring a consulting firm to assist in making Broadband decisions for the county. There was also an approval of a wastewater master plan update along with the approval of painting the tennis courts at Caroline High School red with a blue border.
The meeting concluded with the announcements of informational and calendar items as well as public comments and adjournment.