The Ladysmith Post Office will be taking up a new post in the coming year after the landlord of its current location decided to terminate its lease effective next August.
Since August 1982, the Ladysmith Post Office has sat at 18200 Jefferson Davis Highway. But this August, owner Barry Carlson notified the U.S. Postal Service that he did not intend to renew its lease on the property after Aug. 12, 2016.
“It’s just time to have a better facility,” Carlson told the Progress. “They need a more modern facility than what’s there. I’ve been telling them that for a long time.”
Despite “a few ideas” in mind for the building, Carlson said he had no firm plans at the moment.
“I’m tired of being a landlord,” he said.
Although the USPS does not have an estimate of the number of walk-in customers who use the post office at its current location, spokeswoman Freda Sauter said that it houses approximately 320 rented P.O. boxes.
Wherever the Ladysmith Post Office ends up, the USPS does not anticipate that any changes in service to area customers will occur. A press release notes that “retail services will continue at the current site until such time as all necessary preparations are completed at the new location” and that “there will be no changes to mail delivery, customers’ addresses or Post Office Boxes as a result of this relocation.”
Sauter said that USPS is currently reviewing available properties in the same geographical ZIP code area that offer approximately 1,000 square feet of preexisting retail space.
The public is invited to weigh in on this process at a public meeting to be held Wednesday Aug. 26 at 5:30 p.m. at the Wright’s Chapel building, 8063 Ladysmith Road.
USPS officials will present possibilities and present them for public comment at that time.