Caroline's first 'Tea for the Cure' is a success story for cancer research
The American Cancer Society hosted its first "Tea for the Cure" in Caroline County on August 17 – raising $2,600 for cancer research.
“It was an amazing event of teamwork from the heart,” said Eileen Beach who served as committee chair. “We were able to pull together some crazy resources, ideas and energies with only six weeks to plan the event and a committee of only five members."
The "Tea for the Cure" event has been held in the Fredericksburg area in years past and provides an opportunity to participate in a fundraising event for those who are not so athletically inclined. “Not everyone can participate in the Relay for Life or golf tournaments, but everyone can enjoy a cup of tea,” Beach said. “We hope next year more will join us for this indoor fundraiser and a cup of tea, of course.”
Tajuana Eddleton and Donna Deekens represented the American Cancer Society, and Cleo Coleman served as Matron of the Tea. Tea participants and attendees were treated to a display of colonial dancing performed by the Rappahannock Colonial Heritage Society and Marilyn Newman provided a detailed history of tea and the proper way to serve it.
A little healthy competition encouraged even more people to participate in the event. Prizes were awarded in four categories: Best Table Decoration/Theme, which was won by the Chamber of Commerce’s “Alice in Wonderland;" Best Hat went to Marilyn Newman; and Gloria and Don Erickson won the Best Fashion contest. There was also a competition for Best Teapot. The winners were: First place – Gloria Erickson; Second Place – Emily Pitts; Third Place – Angela Graves. Tables were sponsored by area businesses.
Jessica Napier, who designed the winning table and played Alice, shared a few personal sentiments. “The tea was a great opportunity to have fun, but raise money for a good cause at the same time. Sometimes, it’s hard to have a positive outlook on something as serious and personally touching as cancer. We really had a good time with this project from beginning to end, and we knew in our hearts that we were doing something worthwhile.”
Eileen Beach also wanted to extend a special thanks to Caroline County, Bill Beach, Fred Weaver and Clyde Pitts for all their assistance. Beach summed up the event saying, “Thanks to a bunch of creative ladies and a tremendous outpouring of generous contributions from the community, we had a fun fundraiser. Next year – bigger and better!”
by Staff Writers |
