Improvements are on the way for Sorrell Lane and Minarchi Road, and further work for Ladysmith Road, under the Virginia Department of Transportation’s six-year secondary improvement plan approved by the Board of Supervisors May 26.
The six-year plan for secondary system improvements is revised annually by the county and VDOT, who work jointly together to identify priorities, and is subject to a public hearing so that citizens can weigh in on the proposals. No residents spoke at Caroline’s May 26 meeting.
Over the next six years, Caroline is expected to receive almost $600,000 for construction projects, with that money being parceled out fairly uniformly over the period.
In fiscal year 2016–17, Caroline projects are slated to receive an estimated $100,000.
Both Sorrell Lane and Minarchi Road, which are currently unpaved and classified as “rural rustic,” will be paved, with Sorrell Lane being reconstructed to allow added traffic capacity.
VDOT projects that the Sorrell Lane project will be advertised in August 2016 and the Minarchi Road project the following August.
Ladysmith Road, Route 639, has been under phased construction since summer 2013, with the county and the state sharing the costs of improvements through VDOT’s revenue-sharing program. Phase I focused on…
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